STRESS de-stresser

We’ve all been there: RACING HOME after a Long Day at work. driving kids to and from endless activities, LATE in the door. HUNGRY. TIRED. PRESSURED. Never sit down. START IN ON DINNER, grab for the junk- You’ve eaten an entire meal before dinner is even served. The number of times I’ve heard this story from a client — PRETTY MUCH every time I meet with one.

WAYS TO BREAK THE CYCLE? Shop on the weekend or online, Plan + prep ingredients ahead of time to cut time + stress. Cook simple, 5 ingredient recipes. Have healthy snacks within easy reach. Enjoy a glass of sparkling water in a beautiful glass while you cook. BREATHE - Lots of ways to make this whole scene better.

#THISISGROUNDED:  LOOK AT THE WAYS YOU OPERATE. Think ahead. Small routine shifts create room for healthier, happier habits.