Getting Personal with Joanna Cohen, health coach, and yoga Instructor at Y7.
About Joanna:
Joanna has been teaching yoga to groups of 20-200 at Y7 for the past 5 years and launched their health coaching program, Vibe Higher, to help people improve their habits, mindset, communications, and relationships. Joanna also offers private health coaching and yoga instruction through her own business and writes for online publications, such as Medium. We had a chance to (virtually) sit down with Joanna and ask her ALL the questions.
My name is:
Joanna Cohen
I’m a:
Yoga Teacher, Health Coach, and Sauerkraut Enthusiast:)
My non-negotiable wellness habits are:
I update my wellness habits all the time, but right now my non-negotiables are 15 minutes of meditation first thing, writing a checklist for the day in my journal, 7-minute arms in the middle of the day, and reading before bed!
I’m out of bed at:
around 7:30 am. I’m in bed by 10:30 on a good night.
My morning routine goes something like this:
drink a large glass of water with lemon, meditate, make coffee and journal or catch up on news.
My morning beverage of choice is:
I take it:
with cream.
Go-to Breakfast:
Over the past year, I’ve moved away from eating breakfast. But, I love all breakfast foods and will eat them any time of day! If I do eat in the morning, I’ll often have a bowl of yogurt, oats, fruit, and nut butter.
Lunch is:
eggs, avocado, greens, and sauerkraut.)
Dinner is often:
fish and veggies.
apples and cashews.
My favorite way to get my sweat on is:
I love an at-home HIIT class in 2020.
Favorite online (COVID) workouts/Apps:
I do 7 min Arms everyday on IG with @livmcilkenny, I workout once a week with my trainer at A Second U Foundation, and I use @niketrainingclub and @nikerunningclub for other workouts, classes, and fitness tracking.
My go-to beauty products in and out of the studio are:
I’m trying Curology for skincare right now and I love it!
For me, self-care means:
following my gut, whether it’s in regards to what I’m eating, how I’m moving, or how and with whom I’m spending time.
My favorite way to de-stress:
Take a walk and listen to a podcast.
Favorite podcasts:
The Daily every day; I love Armchair Expert, Almost 30, and The Rich Roll Podcast.
Best organization hack:
Put EVERYTHING on the calendar.
Best Mindfulness tip:
On a Friday night, you can find me:
drinking natural wines with friends.
If I had known then what I know now, I would tell my younger self:
You are better when you’re rested. It can wait until tomorrow.
Words to live by/life philosophy:
Inner harmony is our strongest asset. Everything we do in the world is better if it comes from this place, so I try to seek it out above all.
Where can we find you?
On Instagram, Medium, and my website. Hope to see you all there!
Thank you, JOANNA, for giving us a sneak peak into your wellness routine.
Want more on Joanna?
Check out the in-depth interview
On the blog:
The Three Smart Habits my Clients Practice to Reach and Maintain their Wellness Goals