Berry Nutty Smoothie

Are you on the smoothie train? If not, what’s stopping you? Breakfast smoothies filled with brain-loving fruits, veggies, fiber, protein, and healthy fats are simply the easiest way to pack a ton of nutrition in one cup and keep you fueled and healthy on the go. This smoothie is filled with ingredients proven to boost brain health, function, and cognition as well as reduce the risk of dementia and chronic disease.

Key Ingredients:

  1. Leafy greens are rich in brain-healthy nutrients vitamin K, lutein, folate, and beta carotene. Research suggests green, leafy vegetables may help slow cognitive decline.

  2. Berries are filled with flavonoids (flavinoids are plant pigments that give berries and other plant foods their gorgeous colors) which have been shown to improve memory. Researchers at Harvard's Brigham and Women's Hospital found that women who consumed two or more portions of strawberries and blueberries per week delayed memory decline.

  3. Flaxseeds: Flaxseed are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are shown to promote brain health.

  4. Walnuts. Walnuts are a wonderful source of plant-based protein and healthy fats, and omega-3 fatty acids. Research suggests that consuming 1-2 ounces of walnuts a day can improve cognitive function and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, depression, and type 2 diabetes. These diseases are all risk factors for dementia

Make smoothies a habit to boost brain health, cognition, concentration, and focus.

Berry-Nutty Smoothie

Berry-Almond Butter Smoothie

  • 1 cup mixed frozen berries (cherries are delicious too)

  • 1 handful of spinach

  • 1/4 cup walnuts (almonds or 1-2 Tbsp. almond butter works well too)

  • 1 cup unsweetened almond milk (*add more if needed to blend)

  • 1 Tbsp. flaxseeds

  • 1 serving protein powder or collagen peptides. I love chocolate-flavored protein powder or collagen peptides with this recipe.

  • Small handful of ice if you like it icy cold (optional)


Add frozen berries, spinach, walnuts, flaxseed, almond milk, protein powder and ice to a blender. Blend until smooth and creamy.

To juice cleanse or not - that is the question —

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll know that in May I did a juice cleanse with @organic_pharmer_ny, a grab-and-go eatery in Rye Brook, NY that specializes in clean, plant-based meals, cold-pressed juices, frozen foods, and smoothies. I sat down with Darleen Gross, Culinary Director of Organic Pharmer, (also former personal chef to Gwyneth Paltrow!) to discuss all things cleansing, and how the Organic Pharmer cleanse is different from other cleanses on the market.

Here, our convo —

What is a cleanse and who is a cleanse for?

A cleanse is a process by which a person sets aside their normal eating habits for a specific length of time and instead consumes high quality, plant-based foods/drinks that facilitate the body’s natural ability to purge toxins. Cleansing is for anyone in general good health who wishes to give their body a break and strengthen their digestion + immunity.

Q) What are the best times to cleanse?

Spring is great time to cleanse, but it really depends on the individual. If he/she is facing a health challenge then it’s best to consult their physician before attempting a cleanse.

Q) I’m a health coach, eat a mainly clean, whole foods plant-based diet, and exercise regularly. Would cleansing benefit me? What can I expect from cleansing?

You can expect a feeling of lightness, more energy, mental clarity and refreshed skin.

Q) People always talk about cleansing in relationship to detoxing. What does that really mean and how does it work?

The liver’s main function is to filter toxins out of our blood, cleansing supports liver function.

Q) What is unique about Organic Pharmer cleanses. What do you take into consideration when formulating a cleanse?

Organic Pharmer cleanses are unique in that the beverages each contain an herbal or botanical infusion which support a targeted body function like digestion, immune system, inflammation, etc.

Q) One of my concerns with juicing has always been sugar, and how the juice alone, without the fiber, affects blood sugar and insulin levels. Where do you land on that? Blood sugar is a big concern when it comes to health and weight management. I would love to understand this better in relationship to all the benefits of juice cleansing.

As for the sugar concern, I totally understand and have kept the sugars as low as possible while still offering juices and shakes that have a wide appeal. In fact, all of our juices also contain botanical infusions which help cut the sugars and add flavor & function that sets our products apart from other bottled juices. We composed our cleanses with the need for fiber, fat & protein in mind, so we added the protein shakes and nut milks to keep the cleanses balanced.

Q) How does cleansing fit into a larger wellness plan? How often should a person cleanse?

This is highly individual. A generally healthy person could cleanse up to once a month, but I would recommend at least once a season, even if only for one day.

Q) Do you have any tips or cleanse hacks to make the cleansing process easier, in particular the easing off of caffeine?

Easing off caffeine seems to be the most difficult for people. I would say try to reduce your caffeine intake for a week before starting the cleanse, then replace with a lower caffeine tea like Matcha or an herbal tea or mushroom coffee both of which have great antioxidant qualities. Also, and this may seem obvious, make sure to drink plenty of water and get enough rest!

Q) What is the cost of an Organic Pharmer Cleanse?

The Organic Pharmer has five individual cleans: Reboot, Power Play, Beauty, Liver Love, Muscle and Joints. You can choose do a one day cleanse, or combine them to do a longer cleanse. Each cleanse includes fresh pressed infused juices, protein shakes and infused almond milks.

5 Day Cleanse: $325

3 Day Cleanse: $195

Single Day Cleanses listed below may be combined for a customized cleanse experience, or enjoyed on their own.

Reboot: $65

Power Play: $65

Beauty: $65

Liver Love: $65

Muscle + Joints: $65

prices correct at 9.5.2019

Read about my experience with an Organic Pharmer cleanse here